Wednesday, 23 April 2014

Diva Weekly Challenge #164

Hi all Friends
My wife's op went well , all bandaged up and strung up so she can't use it
so wot did she do took it off to do some washing up , dropped a plate and tried to catch it with the arm she was operated on , she was in tears for quite a long time
all ok now tho

Ive had a medium week for me half ups and half downs so not bad

we had a good easter except no internet since last thursday and finally fixed today

so please find my latest challenge tiles

Building blocks 

Why? does it feel i have the world on my back !!

Hope you have a good week 


  1. not exactly how it really wanted them to come out but I'm still trying with a larger tile
    will post if it turns out as i wanted

  2. Fun tiles. I especially like the top one that is opening up.

    1. many thanks , i thought i would show the structure and the building blocks of the world
      with half the world in peace and the other half in hope

  3. Really fun depiction!!! Nice work!! :0) share Humanity

  4. Like them both. Fun way to address the challenge.

    1. fun is the way of my life ( if i didn't i would be crying )
      thanks for your comment

  5. A big grin spread across my face when I saw how you'd done the first one - such a beautiful idea. I love the second one too but don't like to think of you being burdened...even if it's how you feel! Glad the op went well and hope there are no more 'accidents'! Axxx

    1. many thanks and I'm glad it put a smile on you as when i read your comment it did me
      i did not realise my feeling came through in the second but thanks
      my wife getting better and today was doing her exercises
      and even tho sore she did very well

  6. You certainly have a great and playful imagination! And I love your snails :)
    Hoping your wife gets well soon. Best wishes

  7. The 1st tile gives me the impression that you are opening up to new experiences Simon.

  8. Your tiles are always a great surprise and put a smile on my face. Thank you and I hope your wife will recover soon.

  9. I love the humor in your art (or maybe in you). You bring a smile even with all you have going on. Great zen tangling.
